Tuesday, March 09, 2010

New Template

New template it is the mean new face for my weblog. Yes, after yesterday using wordpress template that I got from searching from internet, actually the old template is better than what I currently use, but there are some flaws in the old template. Finally, today I decided to find a new template to replace the old one. Why must change? The truth is, the old template was pretty good, it have slider feature for the selected item (featured content). I think generally it is been good. But just look the less when we use the template yesterday for posting content using more than one image. The problem is my lack of knowledge about php coding also. But it is aesthetically unpleasant views. And the picture can not set according to our wishes. For example if the picture settings on our aligncenter position, it results that content posting will get teh image on the alignleft. And it happens all the time, will affect the aesthetics of writing when if we use a lot of pictures in one posting.

From the lack of the old template that makes me want to find a better template. My desire to use the template with the theme Magazine. I think that is more pleasing template to the eye. And the frontpage are more regular than usual template. But it seems hard to find magazine-theme templates that match with my desire, let alone still riveted on the old template features a weblog rioap with java script capabilities slider. So they can make the template looks good, but yes please. Much searching, I finally did not get a suitable template. Finally I remembered that i have a software name Artisteer 2, which can be used to create templates instantly. Software makers such as templates for WP CMS, Joomla, Drupal can even be used to create templates for static websites. Not bad, the result is very satisfying because I made one by one, so a little tiring but satisfied. Finally I call the 'RioAp WP Theme'. You can Donwload this template free of charge and free of charge. Please use at your wordpress is not the problem. Actually, this template is simple. But since the election in accordance with the details I want the satisfaction and pride to use it has made me forget the simplicity of this template.
For a glimpse of the view this template you can see from the picture Screenshoot template that I have installed and activekan on this rioap weblog. So dated 8 March 2010, I am using WP Theme RioAp. Whether it will survive until the time of this template. What is certain if there are weaknesses and shortcomings everywhere then it's time I will replace this template with a new one, or maybe make another artisteer software.
RioAp WP Theme
How simple and good is not new template for rioap.com this? detailed feature options that I had made. Maybe someday I will post about this artisteer2 software, how to use it, and maybe I will also post a link to download this software. So, what do you think about my new template?
Donwload for free: RioAp WP Theme.